The second one is by Material Obsession. If you haven't found their blog yet you need to go right now. Go on what are you waiting for? GO!! There are some marvelous quilts in this book. i have emailed one of the gals from MO and she is so nice! The shop is in Sydney and she is originally from Ohio! Imagine that, a transplant! Truly fabulous work. You won't be sorry to go there and visit for awhile.
Here is my latest Material Obsession. I have all my disappearing 9 patch blocks sewn and cut. last night I made the little top. I am planning on doing the borders and the back tonight so I can hand it over to LTW tomorrow. We will see how it goes.
DH has been into lots of "healthy, natural" cooking lately (making his own butter, making yogurt, making all kinds of bean things etc) so there are larger messes than usual in the kitchen and I am usually the one cleaning them up which takes a lot of time, I have to say. I need to plant my pots of flowers too and such it is such a beautiful night, I may do that tonight and maybe not the quilt. We shall see.
I don't know if I told you this already but my friend, Cori, now has a blog so you really need to go and visit her. She is also on Twitter and she has a fabulous online quilt shop where her prices are very reasonable! Again...go now and visit her! RIGHT NOW!! Tell her I sent you and go forth and stimulate the economy!!
ILOVE getting new books!!!!! So fun to dream about all you can do:)
I also made a split nine patch recently- it was lots of fun!
Oh, so that is where that wheels pattern is? I've been looking for it. Why don't you do it first and tell me how hard it is. Also, I love Material obsession and want to get both her books. Can you tell me where I should order these form?
The wheels aren't difficult at all. The trick is to iron frequently as in all paperpiece projects. (that's where I go wrong...)I did it on the machine and I'm NOT good in machinepiecing. I browsed the Material Obsession book and was not all that impressed but many bloggers are enthousiastic about it. Maybe I should browse again!
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