What time is that, you ask? Time for the annual Pathology Quilt Raffle of course. That's right. The University of Michigan Pathology department will be hosting a fabulous quilt raffle. Last year the quilts raised $13,000! The department raised $33,000. That meant that 33 needy patient families we able to receive $1000 each! How great is that?? If you click on the link it will take you to the raffle site. You can print tickets and send them in the mail to me if you are interested in any of the quilts. There are 30 beautiful quilts, so it's like 30 individual raffles! Neat huh? Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Go take a look, it's like a virtual quilt show! (I made #4 along with the CL's)
Go on, you know you want to! = )
I can't believe the talent of all those quilters - you guys have a world class quilt show going on!!!! I think I feel the need of a trip to Alma, I want those lighthouses.....
Very cool quilts Pam. Your "M" quilt would have taken a lot of concentration to keep everything going in the right direction.
Would you pretty please buy 6 tickets for me? I'll pop money in the mail to you today! xoxo
5, 7, 12, 14, 21, and 25! Money heading out tomorrow along with a litle something else;)
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