Fox, Megatron, and Optimus Pirme. We hatched these little beauties from eggs from LTW's farm!!! Megatron was born first. Then came Optimus Prime. Megatron kept trying to kill OP (hence their names) and OP just cries and cries if MT is missing. Then along came Fox. They are Polish chickens, not sure of the gender yet though. I am willing to bet MT is a rooster as he is kind of a jerk! Notice that Fox has a beard too!
Here is a good photo of Fox and it's beard. And MT trying to look all cute and innocent...
Anyway, enough chick photos for today. We are handing over the chicks to LTW after work today. They will go to her farm to be farm chickens. We have 9 more eggs in the incubator. Thanks LTW for allowing me to live out my farming fantasy!
Hilarious chick hairdos and very cool chick names!
Little darlings!
How fun! It's always great to hatch the eggs and then turn them over!!!!
they are so family thinks I'm nuts because I keep saying that when we retire I am going to raise chickens :)
How very sweet!
Wow...what a little top knot they have...LOL...cuties for sure!!
LOL, they are so dang cute!! I love your rationale as to the gender of MT ROFL.
See? you're a chick granny all over *lol*!!!
Awwww, how cute!
Hilarious chick pics!
Enjoyed them all!
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