If you want to see the quilts I took photos of you can go to my Flickr account and look, since I took mostly my own I won't bore you with those again!! Here are all the blocks for the block contest though.
You can see PTM's crow on the skeleton block and my owl block too. I had the Canton Quilters make different stars in pinks and brown (the fabric we were given). One of our ladies won! Her star is in the first photo, second row up from the bottom third one in. I voted for that one too but did not remember who had made it. She ended up getting all the pink and brown blocks back along with some additional blocks. That was the deal. The top 3 vote getters split the blocks.
I have to say I was very disappointed in the silent auction. Let's just say I bought back my Mermaid quilt for $5. I think that says it all.
All in all this was not a particularly great show and I am not sure I would go to so much trouble next year.
After the show, PTM and I went to the Sewing Expo in Novi. Smaller than last year and they charged $14 just to get in! I did buy a few things and will take some pictures when my camera batteries are re-charged. I miss my little camera, SOB!! I *need* to replace it. DH offered his for my use but I want my own. Soon, very soon. I told him I wanted to re-buy mine but he wants me to get a new one. I loved my camera. They don't make it anymore though, so would have to buy off eBay. I'm good with that though. I did some looking and I think mine is better than some of the newer ones. I know there are some good things but not sure if they are good enough yet. We'll have to see how that all turns out!
I was so productive this weekend, quilt wise but I have no pictures to show you as I am waiting for those darn batteries to charge. You will have to wait until tomorrow to see all the wonderfullness I have to show!! LOL.
Have a wonderful evening!! I'm now off to pay bills. YIPPEE!! I know, I lead an incredibly exciting life and you all wish you could be me, right?? Right??
I agree. The location and lighting were disappointing, probably even more so for those quilters who had quilts in the show. I went to a wonderful quilt show a month ago in Fenton. That would be a great show for your quilts!
Well, I guess looking on the bright side, you got your Mermaid quilt back and didn't have to pay a fortune. That's too bad that it wasn't well done, Pam.
I too was disappointed in the Expo. All I got was hand-quilting needles, my special leather thimbles, and a marking pen. Blah.
Sorry to hear the quilt show and Expo were so bad. The silent auction probably didn't do well because the show was so boring. I find that I rarely stop to even look at what's being sold if I didn't like the show. Hopefully, you will find a better venue to put your quilts in.
well ... not really ... mostly cuz you work a whole lot harder than i do ... so ... no, thank you - i do not wish to be you
not being a Cantonian, i (of course) have NOTHING to say about the show - except that i would have bid a whole lot more for that sweet little mermaid than a lousy $5!
I remember going to a very nice quilt show in Belleville just after I moved to Michigan in 2001. It was a little surreal for me to go back to Belleville High School ... I hadn't been there since I graduated in 1972.
I can't believe that the Novi Sewing expo now costs $14. Yikes! And I'll bet you had to pay for parking, too.
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