I really like how this one came out too. It looks soooo much better with the rest of the blocks. Next I began putting my crazy rail quilt together. You can see all the rows here
I ordered some Holiday Happy from Sharon's shop and it came this week too. Isn't it pretty??
She had a wonderful sale but I missed out on the Santa gnomes. Maybe I will pick some up at another time, we,ll see. Stop in and see Miss Sharon and tell her I sent you.
As you know I entered the McCall's Design Star contest and I am a finalist. I thought, since my top is posted I would show you a photo of the top (and one of me too).
I am so happy with how it came out. If you have a minute use the link on my side bar to go and vote for me. If you wanted to leave a comment I sure would appreciate that too. One quilt has 42 comments already! I think I have 8. (ohhh all my insecurities are coming out again...)
This morning I opened the front door to let Jack out and I looked down and saw this
Well, hello there Mr. Toad, I said, and he just looked at me. He was literally knocking on the door, too funny.
OK, enough chit chat for now, got to go, eat and get ready to go out to a quilting meeting. I did finally take some photos of our peachicks, even a video of one of them flying to me to land on my arm but that will have to wait until tomorrow. They are so cute and getting so BIG. Maybe I will have my DD1 take a photo of my awesome scar face from fighting off the Ninja warriors to share with you tomorrow too. Wow won't you all be surprised at that!? Until tomorrow then.
Hi Pam I love your quilt that has been entered and I love your first block too which reminds me of rainbows. Keep quilting and designing you are doing great.. thumbs up.
Hopefully my shout out will pump up your numbers Pam. After seeing the other quilts IMHO, your quilt and one other are wonderful, the rest are ok or down right ugly. How many will be picked after this round?
Cool block! I voted! Jenn
did you ask Mr. Toad, "Wart's new?"?!?
love your quilt - i'm voting often!
I`ve voted for you! I would like to download a picture of your quilt for inspiration if it`s OK with you. I love the way you made this quilt and would like to try something similar myself sometime.
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Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~