I gave Liz my sister's quilt today and we are still trying to decide what kind of quilting to do on it. I want block work in the white blocks and I think chains of flowers and dragonflies going through the purple irish chain blocks.
Liz and I went out for lunch today and that was fun. We spent the whole time talking about the quilt I want to do for DS's lacrosse coach for next year. Do you remember the little lacrosse guy I had Liz embroider for me?
I am considering using him to make a quilt for the coach for next year when DS is a sr on the team. I think I will have the outline behind the boy of the number of each senior and the boy will have his number where the "S" is. I will then put their last name under that. I think I can have Liz embroider the names and number for the rest of the team around the border of said quilt. Liz thought we should stitch some up and see how we like them, which is probably a good idea. She also told me we might be able to put "him" on a sweatshirt and use that for a fundraiser for the team. I think that would be neat too! She really is a "whiz". It is so fun when ever we get together as our ideas flow fast and furiously!! Good thing she doesn't live too close to me or neither one of us would get anything done except for the designing stuff!

DD#2 is coming home tonight and the bowling fun-draiser for lax is tonight. DD#2's birthday is on Sat and she will be spending it with my dad and sister. She is living with them and she called me the other night to tell me that grandpa was so excited that he remembered her favorite place to eat so he is taking her out for dinner. It is good for him and for her.
Have a great weekend. I suspect I may get pressured to finish the binding on TUQ this weekend so DD can take it back to college with her, but we'll see. She asks about it every time she calls home. I hope you all have a productive weekend.