To Pam for being my friend and all the wonderful help and support what ever I'm doing and what ever quilt project I'm working on and for making me smile with the wonderful cats and antics from the dog.
Thanks, Faith! If you have not checked out her blog you really should. She is an amazing and talented woman! her quilt "Witchy Woo and Hallie" is amazing. She has entered it in a contest too.

I am supposed to nominate 5 other bloggers. Now usually I don't do this part because so many of you are an inspiration to me and usually I offer it to anyone that wants to do it BUT (not the Halloween butt below)

I realized that no one does that. It seems just a little conceited to do that, right? So that forces me to nominate you. Here are the rules:
1-When you receive the nomination you may put the logo on your blog.
2-Put a link to the person that you got the award from
3-Nominate 5 blogs that inspire you
4-Put links to their blogs
5-Leave a message for your nominees
So here are my five of my favorites:
1-Natalie at Chicken Blog
2-Mary Ann at Very Mary Designs
3-Mary from Mary Quilts
4-Jeanne at luv2stitch
Congratulations Ladies!! (I forgot to add Annemiek this morning, still in a fog, oops!!)
Why thank you! I'm flattered! And I needed a "kreativ" kick in the pants right now;)
Thanks Pam! I try to be creative - thank goodness I have all the quilters on the internet to inspire me.
This is my first visit with you and I really enjoyed it and will be back.
Thanks (I guess, after all I was forgotten..*lol*) I don't think I'm very creative or productive; I'm more longing for a holiday :) but with this award my energylevel absolutely gets a boost ánd it's weekend so time to do some blogreading and time to sew!
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