Say what? I know right? My actual birthday was in July but I was unable to connect up with my BFF Ellen until last night! She recently went on a cruise and was gone for quite awhile. It was an amazing cruise. She knows how much I love my "weird shoes" (her words not mine) so she bought these cute leather slide-ons from Morocco. Aren't they the cutest little things??

You may recall the last birthday present she gave me. No? Well does
the ugly quilt ring any bells with any of you? Remember her wanting me to work outside my comfort zone? Well after having to endure an entire year of my saying "Don't ever do that to me ever again!!!" she gave me this beautiful Halloween quilt all cut out and with the pattern!! MUCH better!! WHEW!! I LOVE it! although there *are* a lot of flying geese in the pattern, lol. I know I'm never happy huh? Seriously, Ellen, I love it!

We met at Carrabba's for dinner and this is what I ordered, pasta Weesie. I was a little afraid it would be Mrs. Jefferson, but whew, dodged that bullet. It was amazing.

Ellen got this one. Raviloi stuffed with chicken and spinach and cheese...YUM!

We had a long catch up at dinner. It's funny even though we have not seen each other in awhile it made no difference in the conversation. Our daughters have been best friends since they were about 9 or so and swam together. Ellen is the person responsible for getting me into some serious quilting. She and I love to travel together too (I usually do all the driving and planning) but she is great company and we have a lot of fun together!
As I was walking out the door to meet her last night this is what I saw as I was leaving so I had to snap Mosen's picture. Isn't he so cute? It just made such a cute picture with the hat in the background.

I have to make the second MSU binding tonight, the binding for the M string quilt and the binding for the pumpkin patch. I will probably sew down the binding on the MSU quilt and label it to bring in on Monday. Of course it is the BIG MSU vs U of M football game on Saturday too so I will be glued to the TV for that! I am also hoping to help my friend Debbie cut out some squares for a quilt for her son's wedding. (So people can write on them). We have a 7 on 7 lacrosse tournament all day on Sunday so that will be a long day too.
What does your weekend hold?
I love people who take pictures of their food! I do it all the time and my family thinks I'm a weirdo! The Mrs. Jefferson crack was funny too, that's what I think when I go to Carabbas too.
It's always fun to catch up with friends! and over a yummy dinner, too! Love the red slide-on...hope it's not too cold to wear them!
Do you want MSU or UM to win on Saturday? Hope the game is on Wisconsin TV :)
Thankyou for showing the pictures they are great the food looks yummy and the shoes look bright and happy
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