You asked for it and here it is! Cut two pieces of fabric 6.5" X 9". Cut medium-light weight, fusible interfacing about 3/4" smaller and fuse to wrong side of each piece.
This is the folding guideline.
Sew with right sides together leaving an opening at the bottom for turning. Reinforce corners when stitching. Clip corners, turn right sides out and press. Make sure your corners are nice and pointy I use a crochet hook to push mine out without pushing through.
Now here is the tricky part. Laying the rectangle on the guide make your first fold. You can see in the photo that the lower right corner is the bottom point of the scissor case. The top part of this fold will have your lower left corner going over to match up with the top edge.
Now you take the top right corner and double fold it back on top of the fold you just made. kind of like an accordian pleat. (The picture is turned opposite in this photo, sorry) This will actually give you 3 openings you can use for scissors and "stuff". (You can actually see the fold a little easier in the last post looking at the red and black one).
This is how it should look. Make sure your case bottom has a nice point and that the open side in lined up with the first fold. If you do it right, the place you left open to turn will now be on the outside top.

This is a close up of where your "corner point" from your first fold will be covered by the second fold and should be right near the edge.
Charlotte puts a pin through al the layers to hold it together for the final sewing.
It is kind of hard to see but you will be sewing down the side that is the open side first. When you do this you close the "leave open for turning spot" at the same time you connect the folds together. Increase your stitch length to 3.5 before beginning, Char suggests a 90/14 needle too. Beginning at the top of the case sew about 1/8-1/4 inch in (topstitch). You will stitch to the bottom "point", pivot and sew up the other side.

TA DA!! Your new scissor case is ready to be used and enjoyed!
For a neat variation, you can begin with 2 different fabrics and get the cool look that I had on the 2 I showed you yesterday. I tried really hard to help you through this. I hope you can figure it out! Charlotte thinks it will be too hard to figure it out without seeing it live, but I think you can do it. If not I will try the fold part with video next week and upload it either here or on u-tube. I have every confidence you can do it. Once you get the fold part the rest is very simple!! Please let me know if you make any of these. I would love to see what you come up with. We are selling them at out Christmas craft sale for $4. They make a nice gift for anyone that uses scissors!
oh wow this looks great - will have to try it.
You caught me. I sat down to read your blog 30 minutes ago and now I have my own scissor holder! I just had to try and it was easy! Yeah me! Thank you!
A great tutorial! Thank you so much! I will have to give this a try sometime soon! 8-)
Happy stitchings!
Wonderful tutorial timely just right for christmas.Would make some wonderful gifts.
hugs ginger
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