Gas to Ann Arbor...$45
Food at the game...$25
Opportunity to watch MSU beat Michigan in the BIG HOUSE...PRICELESS!!!
Final score 35-21
Speaking of MSU I got my quilt back from LTW last week and look at the block "S" she put in the white blocks. Cool huh?
She was able to put the same "S" in the small MSU blocks too.
I took this while it was blowing in the wind but you can see how big the white and green MSU squares are.
We have our own rivalry in our house too. The orange cat rivalry. Now on the left you see Aiden and on the right, Jack. Aiden (and all the other cats) really does not like Jack and there you see him pushing her buttons to see if she will leave and he will get the couch all to himself.
I was binding my Spartan quilt for the quilt raffle and settled on this for the name of the quilt. PRICELESS!! Who knows how long it will be before it happens again. The last time MSU beat U of M at their stadium was 18 years ago, so I need to savor this victory. This makes my quilt a memorable one don'tcha think?
How was your weekend??
Fantastic experience! Love the title, it's PRICELESS!!
I think its great and I love the title too its different being PRICELESS hee hee
I love the quilt!! The pattern fits the fabric choices. Finished my brown and pink quilt this weekend with my 2 munchkins watching movies in my sewing room! We all had fun :o)
I really like the design of this quilt! And of course it is a memorable quilt after such a weekend :)
Okay!Okay! One week to gloat!
UM really 'stank up' the field...let's see if 'Bucky' can do any better against 'Sparty' :)
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