This morning I had time to sleep in. So as you know, I got up and blogged. Finally DH got back to the hotel and we took the 1:30 er, I mean 2:00 (they have not been on time once yet) bus into the city. It was gray and drizzly but I didn't care as I was with my sweetie and we were going to explore the city. So much for that, it began to POUR and us with no umbrella's. YIKES. Originally we were heading for Central Park, but it was just too far in the rain and what were we going to do there in the dounpour anyway right? I mean I had water dripping off my entire face! So we headed for this place, Carnegi's deli.

Many of my friends said to go and eat here. Just make sure you bring lots of cash! The sandwiches were very expensive and they did NOT take anything except for cash. Here is what we got. The first one is mine, corned beef with swiss cheese and DH got the Woody Allen (corned beef and pastrami) I have to say this was one expensive meal but there is enough for BOYH of us to eat lunch and then some tomorrow! Now we have a deli in Ann Arbor called Zingerman's Deli. I happen to think it is every bit as good as this deli and not quite so expensive. If you are ever in Ann Arbor you need to try it.

We were so stuffed there was no room for dessert. I could not believe my eyes when the people next to us (who all got a sandwich and shared onion rings, french fries and mashed potatoes too, there were 4 of them) each ordered dessert. 3 pieces of cheesecake and one chocolate mousse. I really wanted to try the cheesecake but I was so stuffed and one piece was like $9!! so we passed. I will probably regret it tomorrow, but what's done is done.

Now the rain had stopped and we were on our way again. There was a very beautiful church, St. Thomas that we found on our way to St. Patrick's. There was a wedding and the groom must have been a Scotsman as the entire grooms party were wearing kilts. *SIGH* what is it about men in kilts that gets my blood hot??!! TMI?? Sorry, *giggle*. Anyway there are more photos on
Flickr if you want to see. I even snapped a shot of the men in their kilts!

Next stop St Patrick's cathedral. This one did not disappoint! It is very grand and very beautiful! I didn't even wait for DH just ran up the stairs and into the church. The inside was just magnificant!

The photo on the left is the alter, the one on the right a shrine to St Brigid. It was so amazing. I love old churches anyway and could have spent a LONG time in there but DH gave me just enough time to go up and down the isles. I did sneak in a few minutes to kneel and say a quick prayer, but how could I resist?

Then we moved on to Rockefeller Plaza and the ice rink. Some gentleman was nice enough to take our picture. Now mind you I had done my hair and makeup but pfffttt, stupid rain, 'nuff said!

As we were walking away, we passed the ginormous tree. See all the scaffolding around it? That's how they decorate it! Then I looked up. WOW! What an amazing photo opportunity! How spectacular does the Rockefeller building look in this pic??

We were certainly seeing all the "sights" and as we passed the Radio City Music hall I quickly snapped this pic to show you too.

I really wanted to go the the American Girl Place. I know, my girls are not *that* age anymore but...there were 2 things I wanted to get for DD2. You have to promise not to tell...oh I better not, I know she sometimes reads this. I'll show you at Christmas time, sorry.

Now I was really excited about this. We found the FOX News studio and guess what? Bret Bair was actually doing the news. I would have liked to see Sean Hannity or Glann Beck but I don't think they are around on Saturdays, bummer! I t was exciting none the less to see where some of my favorites hang out to do their work! Hi Glenn, Hi Sean!!

Last but not least we were back in Times Square and on our way back to the bus station. I was exhausted! Again!! Even more so tonight because we did even more walking than I did the day before and my feet were screaming "no more" by the time we go to the bus station. And of course we went to the wrong floor and then had to hurry back to the right place (they make you go in a circle and it is like trying to find your terminal at a LARGE airport, there were 3 floors!) So when we finally go there I was so happy to get on the bus and sit down!

DH and I were trying to decide if we want one more day in the city or if we should leave for the Finger Lakes tomorrow after he finishes his school. It would give us a little more time there to explore if we leave tomorrow and we would be there all day on Monday. I am fairly confident this will be the end decision so, as we were traveling down the Lincoln Tunnel (of which there are 4 so I have no idea why it is not tunnel(s) plural) I say a fond farewell to the Big Apple! I had a great time and look forward to returning some day, maybe when there is not a hurricane dumping TONS of water on the city, but you never know.

DH is snoring away so I got up to write this before I go to bed tonight. Hope you are all enjoying the trip. I know I am. I am going to go to bed now, more with our adventure tomorrow so stay tuned. Like I said more photos on