I decided to make a pieced back too using up the leftover blocks I had. I ended up using every bit of the fabric I had won and used the blue dot and the white from my stash. Here is an up close of one of the blocks.
I do have a picture of the back but I need to re-take it as my shadow is in the way, LOL. I will show you a close up of the back and you can either A)imagine the blue on the sides extends all the way out or B)if you really *need* to see it go to my Flickr account and view it with my shadow all over it, lol.
If I decide to write up a pattern it will need a name. Any suggestions? I may have a little something for the person that suggests the name I choose, you never know with me!
With EQ7 coming out I *finally* loaded EQ6 on my computer so I think I will play with writing this pattern up in it and see how it goes. I ordered the EQ7 upgrade so I guess I had better get moving and figure the earlier version out, huh?
Now just to show you the kind of "helpers" I happen to have here is Aiedn in her favorite "spot". I usually sit in this big green chair with my lap top on the left arm of the chair. She stalks me waiting for me to sit down and then assumes this position. Usually with her head on the arm of the chair just under the bottom of the lap top and her paw extended up kneading me as she purrs contentedly. Like so:
Yesterday though her brother who had been sleeping quite contentedly here
in an old pajama grams container decided that I actually needed another cat on my right side between my hip and the right arm of the chair like so:
I am quite happy to admit that this is OK now that there is actual space between my giant arse and the arm of the chair! I have managed to lose another pound this week bringing the grand total up to just under 36 pounds total since I began!
I would be most appreciative to you all if you will help me choose a name and then let me know if this should become a "real" pattern. I have thought about altering it to work with Jelly Rolls too, what do you think about that? I hope you are all enjoying your time off, I know I am. My boys came home from Canada on Friday and so my house is in chaos again, sigh. I really need to mulch today and do some more weeding (it was much more fun to sew yesterday as it was soooooo HOT here) today is a little cooler so may have to make my way outside.
Happy Memorial day to everyone in the US. Thanks to our brave men and women that have fought and who are still fighting to keep us free!!
I love what you did with those scraps...it was such a good plan to give them away, and let them have new life!
For all the quilts I make, I would have never thought about using them the way you did. Maybe the pattern should be called 2nd chance.
Thanks for sharing!
It's a beautiful quilt! So bright and summery! :0)
Love the new quilt Pam. I'm terrible at thinking up names. That's why I only had two children. lolol!!!
Love the new quilt and I would love to see a pattern :) The blue border is perfect....
Let's see... you used up all the bits, and didn't waste a thing...
"Waste Not, Want Not"
"Clean Plate" (you "ate" all the morsels of fabric)
"Recycled Treasures" (you recycled someone's trash)
"Tidbits and Nibbles"
Thanks for sharing your cat pics... they always know when we are heading for the "comfy chair" don't they!?
Love what you did with those scraps. I particularly like that blue sashing. Beautiful quilt.
Your quilt really turned out great! I think it looks like "Window of Spring". Have a great weekend!
How about "Dots Thinking Outside of the Box"???? I love the blue dotted fabric and the quilt is so clean and crisp looking.
Great quilt- yes a pattern! More versatile if it would work with jelly rolls and name it "Everything In It's Place"!
Oh Pam that quilt is lovely!!! Let me know if you need someone to snuggle-test it. *G* No suggestions on names, I'm horrid at that....
Your kitties look so cozy, you must have the a/c on. Finally got mine in my sewing room and Hermoine is all passed out in here, I'm sure she'll be hogging my pillow tonight. Stay cool!
That is really a cute quilt Pam. I have no suggestions for a name, I'm horrible at that too but I'm sure it will be very marketable as so many quilters are going scrappy while using up their stash and any pattern designed to use charms or jelly rolls are popular.
Oh wow! I really love this quilt. For some reason it makes me think of Petite Fours.
I have a pajama grams container and I couldn't decide if I should keep it ot not! Love how the kitty is curled up in it!
I would love to have this pattern made with a jelly roll. Just bought my first Jelly Roll on saturday - and it is burning a hole in my table wanting to be made into something!!! :o)
Making it jelly roll friendly would be a great idea. I love it. It would look great using 30's too. I would call it "The Framed 3 Patch".
Def make a pattern, the quilt is gorgeous - call it Mama Spark takes a peek - maybe even make a kit - it's too cute to keep hidden under a bushel.
Thanks for sharing. I love this quilt. It is so fun to see my fabrics through your quilting eyes!
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