I did snap a few pics and thought I would share with you all. Here are a few group pictures showing some of the "used to attend" with the current attendees.
Here are Pilar and Kim (with baby Weston). Pilar is now running the group with Ruth Ann, and I think Kim is the youngest in the group. The photo next to this one is Ruth Ann and Cori. Ruth Ann is the tall one and Cori is the one that owns her own online quilt shop. (You should go and check it out, her prices on pre-cuts is better than most other shops and she is a really good friend and a genuinely nice person)
So I know you are all *dying* to see me, right so here is a photo with Cori, Allie (Ruth Ann's granddaughter), Stacy and Me. As I write this I realize my name is the only one that doesn't end in i or y!
This is the first time I had met Allie and she is a really sweet girl. I'm glad RA brought her along. We had a nice time chatting.
Jeanne had a surprise for us, a woman that does work in Ghana with the women there. She has taught them how to make soap and how to dye their own fabrics so they can sell them and have money for their families. It was an interesting presentation and the fabric was beautiful. I have no photos of the fabric though as when I came inside (outside with Kim and a fussy baby) most of it was either bought or packed up = ( I think they would like to market the fabric more so the women can make more money but are not sure how to go about doing that. If anyone has any ideas please email me. Cori and I ended up staying talking with Jeanne and her sister, Kathy until 11pm! It was a wonderful night.
Anyway, I also wanted to let you all know that I have lost another 10 inches bringing the grand total up to 33 inches lost (and 35.4 pounds) so far. Thanks for the encouragement!
What a wonderful time you had Pammy (so you will fit in with everyone elses names LOL). I am truly proud of you for the wonderful progress you have made loosing weight!!
Looks like fun. I'll check the online quilt shop too.
I love the name POKE AN STAB..It is hilarious! Congrats on the weight loss..you are wasting away!
Congrats on the weight loss. Seems like there are a lot of ex- members of the quilt group.
Looks like a great time, Pam! Congrats on the inches!
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