I have several videos on Flickr that you might want to take a minute to view. We had to pull out a stump this weekend and I videoed our awesome Jeep pulling it out. Here are a few photos of that too. Before:
And After:
Yes that is my DS pulling with all his mite to move it into the woods in our back yard. They had to knock a lot of dirt off before he could drag it to the back yard. We wanted to do a lot of yard work but the weather did not really cooperate. We got this stump out and a dwarf apple tree planted and I got half of one garden weeded, black raspberries planted and iris dug out. That's it. I don't know if I will get out today as it is kind of rainy but we will see. All of my gardens need a lot of work this year so spring will be busy outside and quilting will be on the back burner I'm afraid.
I also wanted to share a sweet gift that my friend Karen's mom, Sonja, brought to me from Brazil. Apparently the brand of flip flop is very popular throughout the world (I would know this because I am a fashionista, right?...NOT) The brand is Havaianas. That in itself was so thoughtful but wait there's more. She had beads hand sewn onto them in a beautiful flower pattern (Karen calls me Flor which is flower in Portugese). They are beautiful and I LOVE them!!
Lest you think I have not been sewing I have, just not a lot! I did manage to get block 5 in the Jelly Roll QAL finished and this is mine, using Verna.
Last but not least I almost forgot to tell you we began a new Body Vive class at the gym yesterday and it kicked my butt! I am soooo sore today (I'm sure the gardening had nothing to do with that either). Anyway, when I weighed in at the gym I had lost another 1.6 pounds. Will see how the WW scale goes tomorrow but keep your fingers crossed!
Hey Mama... you got a clever cutie cat.
Hey, He looks like my Son's cat Loki? He is a tuxedo cat.. Have a great Sunday
I wish my cats would talk to me! I think I do get a single syllable at times! I have a couple of stumps that need removing too...unfortunately one is about 3 feet across so I think we'll just let it deteriorate on its own.
I used to have a tuxedo cat like that named TJ.
Yup, I heard him say mama. It sure was a crummy weekend for working outside. Hopefully, it will be better next weekend.
Oh Mosen you are such a clever kitty - love your flipflops, Pam!
We pulled a couple of stumps out this last week too. One of them beside the garage was a breeze, not so much the other one LOL. We have had nothing but rain and cool temps so I'm doing more quilting than yard work :0)
Perfect diction!!!
Amazing you can get Mosen to talk to you on prompt. Love the flip flops and your block is pretty.
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