We happened to be at the grocery store this weekend and she chose a cake (I usually make one) because it had a dragon on it.
One of the gifts I was going to give her was to teach her to knit. OK STOP laughing! I think I remember how to knit, not purl mind you but knit. So I found a pattern for those wrist/hand warmers at JAF that was free and chose some yarn and needles and headed home. I thought I should try it so today, instead of gardening or cleaning she asked me to sit and watch movies with her and her dad. Hey, HUGE Type A personality here, but I did it. While we were watching movies though I began to knit. I got both hand warmer things knitted and taken off the needle (no small task considering the last time I knitted I was probably 9 or so! Now I need to get a needle so I can sew them together. I kind of enjoyed doing it too. I think I may want to learn how to knit socks next. AND I will teach her how to do it too! Please don't laugh, but here is my first attempt at knitting in many years.
I did manage to get most of my son's tee shirts fused to interfacing today also. I did realize that I need more interfacing and I need more of his lax shirts. I also managed to find something in my stash I was looking for and was going to surprise someone with if I found it. Notice Autumn guarding it for me! Hope you are not alergic to cat hair!!
I am just showing a peek so the person I am sending it to will have to guess who they are!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I didn't manage to get as much done as I had hoped but sometimes that's how it goes, right?
happy birthday to your quarter-of-a-century-old daughter!!! my youngest was a screamer, too - i told her that she used up all her bad before she was two and that she'd better NEVER give me another moment of grief for the rest of my life
Happy belated birthday to your cute daughter!!
Goodness, I don't think I can even remember how to knit LOL.
I love it when the cat sheds on my fabric!
I can't stop now to read but just reading a few lines may have put you as my new favourite blog - and I LOVE the cherry house quilt and congratulations to your DD on her birthday! I'm going to click to stalk so I can come back when I have more time to read and laugh!
Happy Birthday to dd - 25 was the hardest of all for me, all of a sudden I was a QUARTER of a CENTURY old, lol! Love her cake!
Your knitting looks ever so much better than mine!
Green tongues! Love the cake.
Happy birthday!!! And what a great cake?Did it taste as good as it looks??
You did a good job knitting and I did not laugh at all (honestly) Granny's should knit after all:)
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