When my DD2 graduated from high school we had a party, duh like everyone else does. I decided to make some white squares and put them in a basket with some fabric pens with instructions for everyone to write their thoughts and well wishes on for my DD as she was leaving for college. I knew I would make it into a quilt eventually. Of course I had no idea what I was going to do but knew I would figure it out later.
Both her HS and university use a block "S" as a symbol of the school. Her HS colors were royal blue and white and the university's were green and white. Have you ever had one of those "ah ha" moments? Well I did. I had a friend make DD2's party invites with a block "S" split diagonally and colored blue and green with her senior picture in the center. I decided to make a block "S" out of the white squares and diagonally split the background into blue and green.
I finished the top a few months ago and decided to use flannel for the back (she adores flannel on the back of her quilts) I happened to find Michigan State University flannel, woot, woot, so I used that.
My good friend and excellent quilter LTW did an amazing job and quilted a block "S" into each and every block.
This is what I wrote to her on my square:
I made the decision to give it to her upon her recent graduation from university. She graduated a few weekends ago with honors. We are so proud of her! So I labeled it and presented her with it the day of her graduation (only 4 years later than the initial squares were made)
She was moving to an apt in another city the following week but she pulled me aside as we were leaving to ask if she could keep the quilt overnight because she wanted to sleep under it. She called me the next day to tell me that as she read the things people had said to her from 4 years ago it made her a little sad, she felt like she should have tried harder but we both knew she always tries her best and she did graduate with honors. We talked about it and she was so grateful to have such a wonderful reminder of both her high school and university years!
Thank you, Amy, for allowing me to share this story and my quilt. I love the Blogger's Quilt Festival!!
Wonderful quilt and a wonderful story to go with it. Congratulations to the graduate.
Love this quilt and the story - your dd is so beautiful, and SMART!
What a great quilt. I love it, love the "S" too. She's so cute too by the way! Congrats to her!
Oh, this made me a little teary. I'm so sentimental. My big girl is finishing 8th grade this year, starting high school next year. I think this is a beautiful idea to remember friends.
The quilt is stunning and I thoroughly enjoyed the story!
You did a marvelous job on your daughter's graduation quilt! It was fun to read more about it.
Go Green, Go White! My daughter graduated from MSU, too.
Very beautiful quilt work !
beautiful, thanks for sharing
Wonderful quilt. Wish I had done something like that for my girls :)
Oh I love the quilt! What a fabulous way to commerate your dd graduations and be able to tie them together so artistically! You're a genius girl! And looking a little thin these days too. Thank you so much for sharing your quilt with us, Elaine
What a special quilt for your daughter! She will treasure it always, thanks for sharing it.
A beautiful story and an awesome quilt! Thanks for sharing it!
What a gorgeous quilt and a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing :-)
Dagmar from Germany
This is absolutely terrific! What a wonderful gift.
this is a pretty amazing quilt and has a great story
I just love quilts like these; beautiful, AND a wonderful story, too.
What a wonderful memory quilt. What a wonderful Mumma you are.
Cute idea! Go Green!!
Great quilt. Love the story. Thanks for sharing.
What a fabulous idea! This will be such a treasure for your beautiful daughter!
As a double S, I love this quilt. What an exceptional memory quilt, kudos.
Come see my antique entries
Great story and quilt! I haven't seen one quite like yours. Love it!
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