I am especially fond of the scrappy flying geese and the rick rack handles on the baskets (thanks PTM). What do you think??
My friend, Cori, from Crazy Quilt Girl online quilt shop was at quilting last night too. She is testing my My Neighborhood patterns for me and as soon as she can let me know where the glitches are I just might get around to writing that thing up and putting it on ETSY! Thanks, Cori!! If you haven't discovered her wonderful shop you need to go and visit. Her prices on pre-cuts and Moda yardage can't be beat!!
On to the word of the year. Kelly, at Charming Chatter has challenged us to "choose a word the identifies what we'd like to see more of in our lives in 2011 - what we want to cultivate in our lives! It's a word to reflect on throughout the year - and to help us live our best life". I really gave this some thought and have chosen:
Why you ask? (Oh I knw you did ask that, right?) I am generally a happy person, but I see a lot of people that could use more happiness in their lives. I need to work on learning to be happy with the blessings that I have, and giving more to make others happier. I also need to work on living in the moment and enjoying the here and now and being happy with that. I am going to strive to make the people in my life happier too. Happiness emcompasses a lot of things. You need to do things like give, be kind, listen, have empathy, surprises, hugs, I find that for me happiness is a verb. What about you? Is happiness a verb in your life too?? If it isn't maybe you need to choose happiness and make it a verb too! I'd love the company!!!
i do absolutely LOVE those baskets - all five of them!!!
Sorry about that delete Pam...I was working on someone's blog and I was still connected...
Now as I was saying..Happiness sew resonates with me..YOU...YOU need to start a happiness movement...lol
Hi Pam!
I love, love, love this quilt!
It turned out so beautiful. And I'm so proud of you.
Great word Pam. You are right, there are lots of people that need a little bit of happiness. You can be a source of encouragement to them.
I love the red and white baskets! So cute! Happiness as a verb, huh? I'll keep that in mind! Have a Happy day!
I love it! So beautiful. The flying geese are so nice. Those cute little kittys in the middle.
That quilt is stunning, Pam! I love your word, mine is Joy - to remember to do everything with joy is my goal this year!
Oh yes a very fine word. There is so much to be happy for. Good word to focus on. Oh and your picture of the is beautiful. Such a pretty kitty, and her being in the light/shadow. I like how the light reflects in her eyes and she looks so content.
Good job on the basket - it's beautiful too. The rick rack and double rows of flying geese. Very pretty.
I love your basket piece....really pretty!!
I was just over at Jocelyn's blog and mentioned that my word would be ENJOY....life, family, friends and quilting :0)
That is a good word. And I love your description of why and how you are going to use it. I think my word should be finish this year. I need to finish everything I have started and anything I do start.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your basket quilt!! That is just too pretty! And, what a great word - and I love how you described it too - you're so right - happiness is a verb! Wishing you and your loved ones much happiness this year!
I agree - you basket quilt is fantastic! And love your choice of word and how you want to spread happiness - share happiness. May you have a successful year of sharing you gift of happiness.
The little basket quilt is just to darn cute...great idea to use the rick-rack, love it!!!
And I love you word...have a great day!
Just looking at this basket block makes me happy! I love red work, rick rack, red and white together...you have such a beautiful design, are you considering having it published?
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