So PTM made Cori apron!!! She also gave her a darling cupcake book.
I love that photo of 2 of my BFF's together!! Rumor has it that Cori has not taken the apron off yet! True?? They are both two of the most wonderful, caring and generous people I have the pleasure of knowing. Love you guys!!
Then PTM and I went to Wed night quilting. I wanted to get a lot more than I actually ended up getting done, but isn't that how it usually goes? Several wanted help and I am happy to help. I did, somehow, manage to get my next block in the LCAL finished. I like this block in the series.
My blocks don't have the high contrast pizzaz some other do but I like how this is turning out and think the finished quilt will be beautiful. I did cut out PTM's block for her too, but she wouldn't let me sew it for her. Too bad too, cuz I was on a roll of matching things up pretty darned well too. Maybe she will let me do it at her house. I did manage to snap a photo to show you though.
I love how her pinwheel just POPS!! I need to work on my next JRQAL block too so I am at the same place with the two of them. I am hoping to get some quality sewing time in this weekend. I hate not being able to share with you guys but I can't share this one, not even a peek until I get the OK. Just know that it will be amazing and well worth the wait, ok?
I may just have to go over to PTM's this weekend to help her photograph her tutorial that she is planning on putting up at Stash Manicure! Oh, I guess that means I need to work on mine too as I will be back there in February too!! Anyone know how to get more hours in a day? Anyone??
I just have to share this with you all though. On Thursday morning when I was on the U of Mich. campus driving to work, as I was winding down a hill, there was a whole herd of deer. Not one or two but 18 does!! The campus is in the city. Crazy but kind of cool, huh?
I went to the gym last night, came home, ate, cleaned up the kitchen, threw in laundry and proceeded to make a pumpkin cheesecake for a birthday present for my friend, Karen today. I finally figured out a way to keep it from cracking. I put 2 bread pans, filled with water,into the oven as the oven was heating up and then continued to bake it leaving those in the oven. It seemed to work. This one was beautiful! She loved it!! She is ready to have a baby any day now too!!!
While that was baking I made chicken pot pie to bring to DD2's place for dinner tonight. I'll just bake it there. Washed up the dishes, cleaned the kitchen again, fed the animals, put the clothes in the dryer and dropped into bed!!! I m looking forward to seeing DD2 tonight. I hope you all have fun, productive weekends, whatever you are doing!! XOP
I can see what you mean about your block in comparison to your friend's... I like your block tho and think it looks like kimono sleeves billowing in the breeze! Gorgeous fabrics!
We have the two older grandsons this weekend so I probably will not get much done. Need to have hubs carry my sewing machine back down to my workroom because I think I will go back to the quilt as you go quilt. My sewing friends and I are doing the year round quilt hop and the January stop is the shop in Coopersville. None of us have been there before and tomorrow hubs is keeping the boys entertained and I am taking a little road trip. Youngest daughter picked out the quilt she wants from one of the quilt magazines I took over last night. Of course it is not quite the right size. But this time I am going to get help figuring out how much extra I need to add and that will be that no changing of bed sizes on this one. So I will be looking for the fabric for this quilt tomorrow. The mag is probably a year old so I hope I can find it because she was hoping for the same mat'l. I sure do like the block you and PTM have been showing us!
ah yes ... cheesecakes and cracks ... here's what i know about preventing them - bring all of the ingredients for the filling to room temperature before starting any mixing (if you take all of it out the night before, they'll be the same temp by morning) ... do NOT beat vigorously when you start to add the eggs (over-beating incorporates too much air - the cheesecake puffs up, falls, and then cracks) ... and don't use the knife test to see if it's done (gently shake the pan - the center should be appear nearly set)
can you tell that i LOVE cheesecake?
p.s. - really cute apron!!!
You live in Michigan!!! I do too!!! this is the first time I have found a quilter that lives here like I do! Yay!... I love your quilts they are so great and I also follower Sew We Quilt, that is actually how I found your blog! YAY!!!!
Your block is beautiful! Sometimes when I'm sewing with others I'm wishing for the high contrast colors. But we wouldn't want to be a world of only high contrast. Your quilt will be just as lovely.
Gorgeous apron, happy that your cheesecake came out well because cheesecake is too delicious to ruin!!
I love your block and Pauline's! Cori's apron is darling, and her expression is priceless!
Mmmmmm, cheesecake! I think your block turned out lovely, I like the pinwheel within a pinwheel effect your color selection gives.
Well I can see why she hasn't taken it off yet, it looks beautiful on her :0) I love both versions of the block....they will make very pretty yet different quilts.
I love your apron and block...just lovely!
great to have been there with you...the apron perfection..
wow great pictures i love the apronxx
I ADORE your block, I think the fabrics are gorgeous. What is that block pattern? I have never seen it before and I love it! HUgs...
Cute apron : )
Yummy looking chicken pot pie. Yum! Family recipe?
Looking forward to your Stash Manicure guest blog!!!!
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