Yesterday was the funeral of a friend's mom. I am not a big fan of funerals as I suppose most people are not. I felt good that I could go and support my friend though. I was walking into the church (this was actually at my own church) when the pastoral associate came up to me and told me that my friend wanted me to be the eucharistic minister. YIKES! A big honor to be sure but very nerve wracking for me. I did it and my friend PTM told me I did a good job, WHEW!!
After the funeral I went to the grocery store,UGH. Then off to play in PTM's basement!!! We had lunch first, her famous chicken salad (you should go and ask her for her secret recipe!) I decided that I needed to pay her back for all the amazing binding she has done for me so I made her first three blocks in the layer cake QAL, with the fourth one waiting to be assembled. I need to finish that one and her last 2 tomorrow for the FNSI. I will also be working on the Over the River quilt for LTW. WOW, you would think I didn't have any of my own things that need working on would you? Well, I sure do but I would like to pay back my friends first. PTM and I will work on finishing our mug rugs too, so I guess that is for me. I bought an adorable owl mug and will use the owls on it for my inspiration.
Photo of Mosen laying in my scrap bin!
Tonight is the meeting of the Plymouth Piecemakers and we get to bring our finished basket quilts for judging. I know you have already seen this but for those that haven't this is my entry.
The criteria was that you had to make a quilt with a basket(s) in it. You had to make the entire thing yourself, piece or applique, quilt and bind it. So this is smallish (29" x 29") since I had to quilt and bind it myself. I have no idea why I am so excited, since you only win the right to select the challenge for next years quilt but I am. It is the first time I have done something like this. I was thinking of sending this to a magazine to publish the pattern. Do you think anyone would like to make it?? Well, wish me luck tonight and thanks again for all your kind words. I love reading each and every one of your comments!
It is a good thing you got *Spark!* cause, woman, you are busy all over the place!
That's a gorgeous little quilt! I would love to make one like it!
Your redwork is lovely. It is so fresh and pretty. Good Luck tonight and congrats on Stash manicure!
I love your quilt! great job. Let us know how you make out tonight. I would love to make it.
i DO love your kitten basket quilt and i WOULD like to make one someday - i also love your 365 quilt (although i didn't leave you any quilty love on those posts cuz i didn't want you to think i was just looking for a freebie - bwah ha ha!) and i plan on making one for myself - maybe to document my last year of being in my fifties (so i would need to start it on my birthday instead of New Year's Day - cuz you know it's ALL about ME) - i bought the fabric a couple of years ago and it found its way to the bottom of the To Do stack...
I love your little red-and-white basket quilt... very nice job! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you tonight!
Cannot wait to hear how it goes tonight! Have a great evening.
It's real ugly...send it to me, so I can see if it looks better in person! haha. I LOVE red, so you know it looks georgous to me! Good luck.
Yes, yes, yes, send in that pattern! Good luck in the guild challenge, it's a beauty!
That is a beautiful quilt! I agree that there would be lots of takers wanting the pattern.
Oh, I think you're little quilt is a hands-down winner! I'm sure you'll let us know, won't you? LOL
Pam, just one day of following you around would put me in a coma. I love the pic of Mosen! Too cute!
I also love your basket quilt, I hope you win! Not sure if you could offer it to a magazine with the design in the middle though, you'd have to research and make sure it's not a Vogart or Aunt Martha design, as they still own the rights to them...and are re-releasing them.
I love it. Your center design (redwork) could be a copyright piece. I'm a 'sap' to anything geese and/or HSTs. Why do kat's always squeeze into the smallest things for naps, mine does that too even with her own quilted bed.
It's gorgeous! And yes you should send it in!!!
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