When DH got home we packed it all up to go to LTW's so I could quilt my redwork quilt. I belong to a quilt group that had a challenge. You had to make a basket quilt and do the entire thing yourself. So I went to LTW's to use her Statler to quilt it. Oh YEAH!! Here is the photo tour.
I quilted a design into each of the individual geese. Actually the Statler did it, I just programed it and outlined it and let it work it's magic.
LTW actually got a few pics of me working.
It took me about 3 hours to do even with LTW showing me what I needed to do. I outlined the baskets and put flowers in them too. You can kind of see them here.
I did a crosshatch in the center and I love how it came out.
After I finished, I got to go out to the barn and say hi to the peacocks, Blue and Osirus. I didn't take any pictures as it was freezing but they are getting so BIG! After we left we decided to go out for dinner. We went to a little place called the Bayou Grille in Belleville. I had the ribs, don't they look yummy?
Dinner was good and the company was awesome.
Now I have to get to work on a few things so I have something to show you all tomorrow!
Gorgeous! I think I am only going to weight myself Friday Mornings. I know you'll take it back off I'm rooting for you! Your a brave woman I've never eaten ribs at a restaurant. I'm afraid I'll walk out the door with bbq sauce on my face. Oh forgot to say I cut that fabric today.
Lovely job, Pam! That is one beautiful quilt. I'm sure you'll get the six pounds off in no time - you're very motivated! The ribs look wonderful - I miss going to the Bone Yard, we used to go at least once a month. Now I'm hungry....
I've been thrifting for wool, too ... well, making an attempt anyway, because there isn't much wool to be found in central Texas because people rarely wear it--makes sense, but it still took me by surprise.
How lucky you have a friend with a quilting machine, and that she'll let you use it! Looks great!
I just love your red work basket quilt. Isn't nice to have so many friends to quilt with.
I love how your basket quilt came out. It is adorable!
I'm glad you got your geese flying the right way before quilting it.
It looked like lots of fun at LTW's with her quilting machine.
This is a beautiful quilt. I really like red and white quilts and flying geese.
Your basket quilt is fantastic Pam!! Love everything about it!
Looks like a fun day.
Looking great!!!
This is wonderful! I just love the kittens in red! Very sweet!
You did a fantabulous job on the quilt!!....or the Statler did LOL. Seriously, it is an adorable quilt!!
You did great on the quilting - I'm still drooling over this one! Love it!
now how the heck did i miss this post?!? i wondered how your basket quilt went from being a flimsy to having the binding without any quilting being mentioned - and it's cuz it DIDN'T!!! i truly love how this has turned out - really, really awesome!
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