YESSSS I got to do a guest post over on Stash Manicure! Hop on over and see what the buzz is all about. I had the opportunity to share my 365 Day Challenge quilt. It was a daunting task but I am so glad I did it. Lots of fun. I won't spoil it by re-writing about it here, so you must go to Stash Manicure and read it.
I said I had a giveaway now didn't I? OK here's the dealio. It is for a Moda Bella Neutral Basics Layer Cake that is up for grabs, so you will have a great start to your own 365 Day quilt.
This is what you need to do for a chance to win, you must do all of them.
1. Leave a comment on Stash Manicure and tell me you did so.
2. Become a follower of Stash Manicure, and tell me you did that too.
3. Become a follower of my blog.
4. Leave me a comment about my post on Stash Manicure
I do hope you all enjoy the post and I look forward to hearing from all of you soon. XOP
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 224 Newer› Newest»Yes, it would be a great start for the 365 day quilt. I thought it would be adorable to make for a new baby and record something about their life each day for their first year :)
I loved the blog on Stash Manicure - thank you for sharing.
I follow you and what an interesting thing to do:) Haven't heard about it up until now.
I am a follower of Mme Samm's Stash Manicure.
I am now a follower of Mamaspark blog.
AND I left a comment for you on Stash Manicure.
Loved your post over at Stash Manicure. I am a follower of them and have signed up to follow you and your wonderful blog. Like I said at Stash Manicure, it's a great way to track a year, and I think a pieced back would be a fun reversable quilt. Thanks for the inspiration!
Okay, I left a comment on Stash Manicure after reading your lovely post this morning. It is a very interesting idea.
I read Stash Manicure and follow her and now you every day. Your quilt is amazing and I did post to Stash also. Thank you for the opportunity. What a blessing you are to the kids to leave your legacy in writing.
I am a follower of Stash Manicure.
I am a follower here and enjoy all of your creations.
That is one of the most unique quilt tops I have seen! What a terrific idea to get your thoughts out and on fabric of all things!! I wonder how well it washes though?
Thinking of making one when my hubby is deployed later this year in the summer with my 3 yr old son:)
I left a comment on Stash Manicure giving you some love:)
Maybe I could commit to writing once a week? Of course, I have a blog I haven't written on in three months so maybe once a week is aiming too high for me! I so admire your dedication!
Should have been following Stash Manicure awhile ago!! Now I am though;)
This is so cool! Can't wait! I'm a follower of both blogs and have commented on both. Hope I win the giveaway as both my sister and I are starting this July 1st! Thank you for sharing!
I won't be in the draw because I don't do the follower thing, but wanted to let you know how much I loved seeing your finished 365. I am happy to see this project in blogland since it inspires me to finish my own. I didn't make it for the full year, but it was fun and is a great diary of a year in the life of my growing family.
Good morning, Mama Sparks, I have just left a comment on Stash Manicure and was so excited to read your posting this morning - it is very interesting.
Nice to be introduced to your blog as well and it looks like there is a lot here to keep my interesting, so consider me a new follower!
Please, please pick me! Marie
I just became a follower of your blog.
I am a follower on stash manicure.
I am a follower of Stash Manicure.
I am a new follower here.
I would love to win your giveaway because I would love to make one for my daughter who is expecting her first child and my first grandchild in April.
I left a comment for you on stash manicure. Don't know if I would have enough to write for a full year but cute idea.
I think your directions for the quilt were very clear. I love it when I can easily follow the directions. Much less frustration. Thanks.
I left a comment on both blogs about wanting to make this for my daughter.
1. Leave a comment on Stash Manicure and tell me you did so. CHECK!
2. Become a follower of Stash Manicure, and tell me you did that too. CHECK!
3. Become a follower of my blog. CHECK!
4. Leave me a comment about my post on Stash Manicure. (SEE BELOW)
I love your quilt and have added it to my "must make one of these" list! Incredibly fascinating...
I left a comment on Stash Manicure.
I am a follower of Stash Manicure.
I just left a comment over at stash manicure!Great!
I have been reading your blog for a few months now, but today I officially became a "follower".
I left you a comment on "Stash Manicure" as soon as I read your post. Loved it!
I am already a follower of stash manicure!
I am very impressed with your blog on Stash Manicure. The quilt is lovely. I think it would be fun to do as a family.
Oh, and I've been a follower of "Stash Manicure" for...I don't know, it seems like forever. I love it there!
I loved your post on "Stash Manicure." As I said in my comment over there, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me. I can't wait...until I have the fabric to bring it to fruition!
I follow you since a while and love it!
Of course, I have now become a follower of your blog, as well. How could I not?
This is a great post and a big challenge! Very interesting idea and I might give it a try. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hello!! I have Stash Manicure in my blog reader and read it every day. I love the idea of the journal quilt and I want to do one. Since the new year is past, I think that I will start on my birthday in June!
I've been a follower of Stash Manicure for quite a while now, and have signed up to follow yours. I am seriously considering doing the 365 day quilt --- may start it on Feb. 17 --- our 43rd. anniversary. Imagine my surprise, when I saw you attend the AAQG meeting --- I live in Lansing --- guess what team I root for?! I'm looking forward to continuing to read the more local quilting news.
Hello!! I'm a follower of both and read both blogs through google reader. I can't wait to share this challenge with my guild, It's a great idea!
I left you a comment on Stash Manicure and am a follower of that blog.
I am a follower of Stash Manicure
I left you a comment on Stash Manicure.
I am already a follower of your blog.
I am-have been, a follower of Stash Manicure.
WOW What a neat thing to document your life in a quilt! I love it!
I have left a comment on Stash Maicure about your clever quilt.
I am a follower!
I am a follower of your blog - Hello Charming Girl.
I love the idea of a journal quilt, but the year is already into the first month. I would love a weekly journal as I forget days - lol! Then added little stitcheries could fill in with inspirational fabrics. A heritage piece for the grandies.
I follow Stash Manicure
1. Leave a comment on Stash Manicure and tell me you did so.
2. Become a follower of Stash Manicure, and tell me you did that too.
3. Become a follower of my blog.
4. Leave me a comment about my post on Stash Manicure
Done - all of the above! I love the idea and am looking forward to following your blog!
I left a comment on Stash Manicure's blog to you
I follow your blog
I follow stash manicure
The quilt is a great way to leave a peek of your life to your children. I enjoy your post on Stash Manicure
I left a comment on your post at Stash manicure.
I enjoyed your poost at Statsh manicure. There were great details.
Dear Madam Spark, I am already a follower of Stach Manicure, and am now a follower of your blog too. I love your posting to stash manicaure this week. And so I have left a comment for you #43 - What a great giveaway your having and again, I can't wait to do the 365 day note quilt.
I have not heard of this before but think it is a neat idea! I do like to write and leave things 'for posterity'. Will have to give this some thought for 2012 maybe?
I am a follower of yours
Ahh, the perfect start to my own diary quilt. I am already a follower of both your blog and Stash Manicure, so I was excited to see both of your posts pop up in my reader this morning!
I'm a follower on Stash Manicure
I left a comment on SM
I left a comment on Stash Manicure today!
I have been a follower of Stash Manicure for several months now.
I am a regular follower of your blog!
Great guest spot on Stash Manicure! Thanks for the wonderful tutorial.
I'm now a follower of your blog!
Enjoyed your post at Stash Manicure--an interesting idea--could be used in so many different ways! I also left a comment there.
I am already a follower of Stash Manicure too.
Congrats on the guest post!
Great tutorial on Stash Manicure--enjoyed it, and seeing you you put it all together. (Also enjoyed seeing your mittens from a previous post of yours on your blog--they are cute!)
Oh I love your post at Stash Manicure. It's such a great idea to make a 365 journal quilt. Yours is gorgeous!! I'm a follower at Stash Manicure, and a new follower to your blog. I left you a nice comment over at Stash Manicure. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Ariane
Hello! I left a comment on Stash Manicure. :)
I am an avid follower of Stash Manicure. Madame Samm is my hero!
I am also an avid follower of your blog, Mama Spark. So fun. :)
I love to see you guest post ANYWHERE! But Stash Manicure is my favorite. Such an interesting and unique project. Congrats on a great post!
Already a follower at Stash Manicure. :)
Am now your follower. :)
Loved to see your quilt on Stash Manicure. Truly inspirational.
I left a comment on Stash Manicure!
I left a note on stashM of course!
Left a comment on Stash Manicure as well.
I follow the stahsM blog
I follow your blog!
I am a follower of Stash Manicure!
I love the journal quilt! I am a reader and not a writer but i would love to make one for my daughter. Thanks!
I am a follower of this blog!
What a post! WOW!! 365 days is do-able I do believe. I love this idea. Thank you for sharing and Thank you for the chance to win.
I left you a comment at Stash Manicure. I love your idea! I'm going to start collecting nuetrals.
I love the journal quilt! What a great idea and a wonderful keepsake!
I am a follower of Stash Manicure.
I am a new follower of yours. Can't wait to see what other great things you have to share.
I loved loved the idea of writing a blip every day of the year on a quilt. What a heirloom it would be. I see so many possibilities. Thanks so much for sharing. Hoping I win your giveaway so I can start my quilt soon.
I'm already a follower.
I'm also a follower of Stash Manicure.
I've left a comment on Stash Manicure too.
again, I am so very happy to see you hanging out at SM today !
I can't tell if you want us to leave 4 separate comments for each item on your entry list, but I think I'll take my chances with this one to say that I've done all 4 and happy to be following your blog now!
OK, to start off, I left a comment on your Stash Manicure post!
And I'm a long-time follower (and fellow guest-blogger) of Stash Manicure!
I'm a new follower of your blog (I can't believe I've never seen it before!)
And I really enjoyed your Stash Manicure post! I've seen other "calendar" quilts, but never one that was an actual journal! I'm thinking about doing one that documents the quilts I've made over a year.....
i just came here after commenting there - your quilt is amazing, YOU are amazing :)
Already Follow Stash Manicure!
New Follower of yours :)
I left a comment on Stash Manicure.
I'm a follower of Stash Manicure
I'm already a follower of your blog also.
About your post at SM - I'm just amazed and can I ask "How could you?" - I mean 365 days of notes in a quilt - So unique, so inspiring AND so intimidating!
I just commented on Sash Manicure blog and came on over here! :-)
I became a follower of this blog :-)
I am already a follower of Stash Manicure blog. :-)
I absolutely LOVE the idea of 365 days of notes in a quilt. I may not be able to do 365 days consecutively; but, I'd do it when I can and accumulate 365 days worth. :-)
Congrats on being on SM! I'm a follower of you both - I'll head over and check out your post in a bit!
Your quilt is beautiful - I wish I could keep up with journalling consistently. Thanks for the chance for the lovely neutrals.
I am an avid follower of Stash Manicure
And now I follow your blog!
I now follow your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
My comment on your stash manicure guest post is #14. I've never used the Bella solids so thanks for the opportunity.
Hi! I believe my comment on your post over at SewWeQuilt/Stash Manicure was the first .. #1. What a fun post! Thank you!
Faithful follower of Stash Manicure :)
Became a follower of yours as soon as I was introduced to your blog ... thank you!
While I absolutely love your quilt, which is a true family heirloom ... I honestly don't know if I could persevere enough to get it done ... I'd find myself catching up on several days at a time, thereby negating the purpose of the 365 day theme. lol Best of luck with making the others for your other kids!! :) Thank you for sharing!
I left you a comment on the Stash Manicure Blog
I am already a follower of yours. I love your idea!!!
I am alread a follower of Stash Manicure also! Love that blog and yours.
I am really going to do this. My birthday is in May, so I should be able to get everything ready to being by then. Awesome idea. I can't wait to go on this adventure!
I already follow Stash Manicure as MarciaW - it is my reward to read it after morning work is done.
I am following Stash Manicure!
I am a faithful follower of your blog!
I left a comment on stash manicure.
I love the idea, just do not know if I could pull it off or not. Would not want another unfinished project. You sure did an awesome job on yours though! And you have nice penmanship also.
The layer cake would be a great start on a 365 quilt, or a variation. Just a few hours ago my grandniece was born at 7 lb 13 oz. This would be a wonderful idea to use for her quilt, if the first time Mom and Dad can find the time. They are so nervous. I enjoyed your post on Stash Manicure, and the attribution to your source of inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway and the tutorial.
I commented on Stash Manicure. What a great site!
I already follow SM.
I already follow Mama Spark!
Great post! I want to do a 365 quilt for the first year of my child's life. Love it!
I'm already a follower of Stash Manicure and now I follow your blog as well. Lol, you'll have to read my SM comments as they're different to these but I like the way you've explained so thoroughly about the pieces and construction of the 365 day quilt.
I left a comment for you on Stash Manicure! I was already a follower there and just joined you. Thanks for the great idea. This would make a unique back for a quilt, too.
Okay, I did all that way required. Now I hope I win the prize. You are always so busy, I don't know how you do it. I will try to catch up on the 365 project and join in. I best get started before I forget what happened earlier in the month.
Im a follower of yours!
I am a follower of Stash Manicure!
I left a comment on Stash Manicure.
Got here from Stash Manicure, and glad I did! I left a comment there and am a follower of this blog and that blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
I left a comment on Stash Manicure.
I am a follower of Stash Manicure!
I am a follower of yours!
I just love your post! I want to make a 365 Day Quilt too!:O)
I left you a comment on Stash Manicure.
I follow Stash Manicure.
I have done all four of the things you required. I think that is an awesome idea for a quilt. Dont know if I could follow through, it would probably be like my new years resolutions.
I have been a follower of Stash Manicure
I read your post on Madame Samm's blog and thank you so much for the tutorial it will help me start my own quilt.
I left a post on Madame Samm's blog for you and she to read
I am now a follower of your wonderful blog. Thank you somuch for the opportunity to win this wonderful fabric
I am a follower of Madame Samm's blog and thanked her for having you as a guest. I just became a follower on your site. Loved your "365 day" quilt idea. I hope to start one for notes from Nana's journal over the past 10 years. Think it is an awesome way to share a part of you with family and friends. Can't wait to see more of your ideas. Happy New Year and thanks for the opportunity to win some lovely fabrics.
Love the idea of a 'journal quilt'. I did post on Stash Manicure where I am already a follower and am now a follower here. Each day I find new blogs where people are so generous with their knowledge and ideas. I have tried to encourage my friends to give blogland a try - there is so much here!
Thank you for sharing.
I left a comment on Stash Manicure!
I'm already a follower at Stash Manicure.
I'm a new follower of your blog :)
I love the idea and would LOVE to start this in May. I have my 365 project running until then, so maybe this would be a good way to keep going! I also love the quilting you did!
Hi! I left a comment at Stash Manicure. :)
I'm a Stash Manicure follower.
I'm a new follower of your blog. :)
REALLY neat idea to have notes for each day of the year on a quilt. Would be neat to do a pregnancy baby quilt on pastels with notes to the wee one each day - that would be a real keepsake! Or for a soldier away on dute...
Great job with your guest post on Stash Manicure... when DH retires...I'm going to start 'our' retirement journal quilt... just couldn't do the first idea... moving back to Canada journal....it could be a wee bit sad and tear stained...I want a happy journal. If you pick my number....please pick again.....I feel I'm a winner already.....every time I read your blog..... and it goes without saying I feel the same about Stash Manicure's blog. I'm a winner with every post I read. Thanks for sharing. lol
I left a comment on Stash Manicure about following breadcrumbs....or ink dots from your blog to there to read your post!
I already follow Stash Manicure - LOVE IT!
And I already follow you!
I left a comment for you over at Stash Manicure :)
I am a follower of Madame Samm over at Stash Manicure.
I am a new follower of your blog.. I learned about your blog from your post over at Stash Manicure.. thanks for your guest post over there.
I enjoyed your post over on Stash Manicure.. I don't know that I would have 365 entertaining things to say on this type of quilt, but I sure would love to have 365 lovely things to say for my kids to remember in the future.
Wow - I am so glad you shared your 365 day quilt on Stash Manicure! I was already a follower of her blog, and I posted a comment there. Then I came to your blog and I love it!!! I can't wait to read through your posts now that I am following you also! I'd love to win the layer cake, but I'm going to do the quilt whether I win or not - it's a real winner!!! Thanks so much! (misstbooks@charter.net)
Wow, I just came back from Stash Manicure and I am so excited about this quilt. I plan to start my "Quilt Journal" as soon as we finish our renovations (about 3 weeks from now I should have the house back together) and can get back to my sewing room. It was a wonderful post and a truly great idea. Thanks you so much. I even popped over to Leanne's to see her's. Hugs...
I have been a follower of Stash Manicure for a while now.
OH, I left a rather long comment on you Stash Manicure post. I got carried away with the idea, LOL. Way excited here! Hugs...
I am now a follower of your blog and I have forgotten to tell you thank you so much for a chance to have this wonderful layer cake to get started with. It would be so nice to start off in my new sewing room with these beautiful Moda fabrics. A wonderful give away! Good luck to everyone.
1. Leave a comment on Stash Manicure and tell me you did so.....DONE
2. Become a follower of Stash Manicure, and tell me you did that too....ALREADY DONE
3. Become a follower of my blog.....DONE
4. Leave me a comment about my post on Stash Manicure....HELLO!
Loved the 365 quilt idea - definitely going to try it out.
I'm also a scientist and a quilter....going to backlog through your blog now to find out more :)
I left you a comment on "Stash Manicure"
I am a follower of Mme Samm's Stash Manicure
Enjoyed your post at Stash Manicure and really appreciate all the photos. I'm a "visual" person, and understand things more when I have photos than when I'm just reading about it.
HI! I am a follower of Stash Manicure...and am now a follower of you. I LOVE your idea of 365 quilt, so now I am a follower of you!! And, am leaving a comment on stash manicure. Did I leave anything out?
I left a comment on SM about your 365 day quilt....I really like it...
I am a follower of Stash Manicure..
I am a follower of your blog...
after reading your post on SM, I may give this quilt a try...thanks for the tutorial..
I wasn't quite sure how you want to record each of your questions for your giveaway so I am putting all the entries in one post. I am a follower of your blog- I have been for awhile now and I always enjoy seeing what things you are up to.
I enjoyed reading about the making of your 365 day quilt- it would be an interesting way of recording a diary of a year in one's life.
I also am a follower on Stash Manicure and I did leave a comment on her blog.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the nice layer cake.
Warmest regards,
I just left a comment over on your Stash Manicure post. It's such an amazing idea!
I am a follower of the Stash Manicure Blog.
I love the idea of a journal quilt over a year...but I have a hard time finishing out a round of antibiotics over a week...a year?!? That would be a test!
I'm a follower!
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