Before and After:
Now I can do the happy dance. I am in love with this little quilt and can't wait to go to LTW's on Sat and use her machine to quilt it up! Stay tuned for that fun time, I'm trying to get PTM (aka Louise) to go with me.
I was thinking about my word last night on my way home from PTM's house and decided that I will put a little something in this blog each time I post about how I added happiness to someone else's life or someone made me happy. So to that end, I went to my friend, Karen's baby shower last night after work. She is the one I made the chenille blanket for. I didn't get to stay for the entire thing as DD1 was with me and demanded to be dropped off at the grocery so she could shop while I was at the shower. I tried to get her to take the car, but NO. I told her it would be at least 2 hours if not longer, but no. Right about 2 hours into the shower DD1 calls to tell me she is done and can we go home? UGH, I asked my friend to open my gift as I had to leave. I'd say she was pretty happy wouldn't you?
Isn't she a beautiful pregnant woman? I wish I had looked so good pregnant!
After I got home DH was looking for his money clip. I found it, he was happy! I sat down to rip out my errant flying geese (not so happy), and I talked to PTM. She had her DIL's quilt ready to go to LTW's but I needed to go and get it so LTW could have it and work on it over the weekend. Let me tell you, it was such a hardship to go over to PTM's and sew in the basement! LOL. I brought my red and white quilt and tamed those geese. All is well with me now, I am happy. On top of that PTM let me use her red thread and I was able to get the rick rack handles sewn down too. I asked LTW if I could go to her place this weekend and use her machine to quilt this wee quilt. I am going on Sat, hopefully with PTM!!
On top of all that I got my next block for the JR QAL finished too, bonus!!
All in all a pretty good night! Tonight DD2 is coming over to go out for dinner, so I must head to the gym as soon as I get home, especially since I missed yesterday and Wed. (GACK...experiencing gym withdrawl...) I am hoping to get caught up on my 12 Days of Christmas BOM. I have the most recent block to cut out and sew. Maybe a trip to the Sally Ann, we'll see. I have to decide which project to begin working on next. I want to work on one of my UFO, for sure but which one? This is the question, any suggestions? The list is on my sidebar.
Oh my I did not see the strip of geese going the wrong direction! So glad you friend caught it for you. The gift looks wonderful I would be smiling also. Down 2 pounds in 5 days. I know it will not always go like that but it was encouraging.
I did not notice that your geese were going into a collision in your last post. It took me almost a minute to figure out where the geese were flying in the wrong direction - lol! Your friend looks very happy with the blanket!
Your block for the sal is very pretty - I like the fussy cut center square!!
I never I was too busy admiring it.
Oh I didn't know your geese going to wrong way either! Oh sounds like you had a lot of fun last night.
Ok, as for the next UFO #18, you say it's for you, and we all know quilts for us come last. So work on that one. :-)
i thought they were flying north and the dozen going east would end up in the basket, so problem solved ... okay, ACTUALLY, i didn't notice ... seriously, did NOT notice
I thought it was intentional so you wouldn't have any geese nose-diving for the ground ;-)
Seriously, it works either way, but I'm glad you changed it, if only to make yourself happy with the result. It's a lovely quilt.
LOL, I didn't notice your poor geese - good for PTM! Really love it, Pam, you did a beautiful job on this. Love your chenille and qal block too - have a great weekend!
Gee, I didn't notice either, good thing you have PTM :0) I'm really lovin' those JRQAL blocks. I won't suggest anything. It's hard enough to pick up a UFO, you need to do the one you are most excited about, besides if someone suggested one to me, I would have to pick something different because I'm so contrary LOL
That pink block is just wonderful!
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