This morning was the monthly meeting of the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild and the speaker today was Kathtryn Schmidt, of Rule Breaking Quilts. She did a trunk show for us and her quilts were very unique. I like the techniques and have tried some of them in the past and will most likely experiment with them in the future. Here are a couple of pictures.
There are more photos on my Flickr account too. I went to the meeting with PTM and our friend Christa. It was a good way to spend the morning.
I came home and decided to do some laundry and cleaning. I need to sew but thought I would do some other necessary stuff first. Hopefully tomorrow I can get up fairly early and do some more cleaning and laundry but I really want to get some sewing done. I did manage to get the binding machine sewn on and hand sewn down on my red and white quilt. So it is all done now and ready to bring to the meeting on Thursday to participate in the challenge. I am happy about that! I also managed to take apart another garment, this time a silk dress I bought at the Sally Ann (Salvation Army)for $1!! I bought quite a few linen and silk garments to take apart and use for quilts!
Last but not least I need to write my post for Stash Manicure which will be posted on Wednesday so don't forget to stop by Stash Manicure on Wednesday to see what I have to say.
OOPS, sorry one more thing. There is a great giveaway over at Lucy and Norman's blog. Go on over and sign up.
I hope you are all having a good weekend. I can't wait for the morning, a new day and loads of possibility. My happy today? I got to go to the quilt guild meeting with PTM. On top of that her DH sent me directions on how to number my comments!! WOO HOO. Thanks, honey!!
I would think anything to do with fabric or quilts would be a happy. I'm glad you had one today. I am sorry to hear about the scam. Is that something going around to texters? Hubs and I do not text but two of our daughter do.
The scammers are getting more and more devious. Too bad they don't their minds to more productive uses. Just think of all the good that could be accomplished!
The quilt guild meeting looks like fun! So sorry about the scam. Praying everything turns out okay!
Yikes... those scummy scammers make life miserable. I do pray that protections fall in to place, and all ends well.
Someone called our home the other day, and started asking all kinds of questions, and got mad at me for declining to answer! arggghhh...
Okay. Deep breath, and exhale.
Best wishes for all kinds of goodness to shine down on you and family.
Funny word verification: GUDNESSE
YIKES - ssn too? Saying some prayers for her for sure.
The meeting looks like fun!
I hate scammers. It is just sad that there are people in this world like that. I hope everything works out for your family.
Just discovered your blog from Ryan Walsh at I'm Just A Guy Who Quilts. How did the scam end up? I've read your most recent posts, and I'm making my way through the older ones. I didn't see any follow-up on the phone text message scam. case I didn't ask you, can you please make it possible for me to receive your blog updates via e-mail? Feed Burner is what I know you need to do, but that's all I know. I know it's not the RSS feeds (I'm clueless as to what I'm talking about with all of this, I just know this is what you need to know). Thanks! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
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