Yep, that's right. I got the stomach flu on Monday night. I was in a bad way on Monday night. Vomiting and know. Muscle aches and every joint hurt. So I spent the day yesterday off and on in and out of bed. It really sucks to have an entire day at home and feel so lousy I couldn't do anything. I was too weak to do anything other than roll over and pet a cat and fall back to sleep! I went to Pilates on Monday night and right after my stomach hurt. Well now I know why!! So, just in case you were wondering, I lost another 0.6 pounds last week. Small loss but I bet this week will be better, LOL.
I also received some more blocks in the mail. These 4 came from my friend Pat in WI. Thanks, Pat!

And these 6 came from my firend Dianne in CO. I love Uncle Sam riding the eagle. Thank you so much.

It has been so wonderful to be receiving blocks from all over the country from everyone. I believe Matt is coming home either tomorrow or Friday so I will keep you posted. Please keep him, his family and all our service people in your prayers. They have a tough job to do keeping us safe and free.
Oh my, poor baby! Yuck to that flu - glad you are feeling better.
feel better faster!
Oh you poor thing!!!! I don't recommend this as a weight loss plan, my dear. *G* I hope you're back to feeling 100% soon!
Boo to the flu! Glad you're starting to feel better. :)
Seems like so many people have had that flu lately. That has to be worth at least five pounds!!!!
Beautiful squares. How exciting it must be to get mail these days.
Keeping all of our servicepeople in our prayers.
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