First up work on that Origins Plus baby quilt. I just needed to sew a few more blocks. I sewed them alright, but the seam allowance was not right so I ended up ripping them all out. As luck would have it Cori came over to have lunch with us and she helped me unsew. PTM was doing some binding work for a friend of mine and she was showing Cori the quilt. I think this is the only photo I took of them all day!
Beautiful quilt but even more beautiful friends! As it turns out I could have left them as I decided to cut all the blocks down to 5" in the end. Live and learn. Anyway, I did manage to get this top finished and got the back cut too so it will go off to LTW's on Monday. YEAH, one thing crossed off the list!!
Next up was cutting out Moda Bake Shop Charming Stars quilt. Although as I type this I realize that I cut it out as written and I will need additional snow if I make it bigger. Well there is always next Friday to cut out more! Anyway, I did manage to complete what I set out to do for that project. I will be using Dream On by Moda to make this quilt.
YESSS another thing to cross off the list!
Cori came over and joined us for lunch. PTM made some awesome chicken salad and some amazing egg salad. I forgot to take photos though so you will just have to imagine. Cori stayed and, like I already said, helped me with some un-sewing and just spent some girl time with us. It was so nice!
I managed to get the setting triangles and the sashings cut out for Between Friends, finally.
We ordered Chinese from our favorite place, Chopstick House and her DH was home and we all ate together. PTM managed to finish hand stitching two more of my cardinal wall hanging bindings and hanging sleeves down for me too. She did a lot of hand work. Here are the wall hangings all finished.
I got a call from my DH and they ended up coming home as the weather was so bad in Chicago so as it turns out, I am glad I didn't plan to go to Chicago. I ended up being way more productive at home and spending way less money!!,
If you get a chance go over to PTM's as she is having an amazing give away. I mean AMAZING!!
Thanks for the fun day and night PTM, you are the BEST!! You too Cori. Oh, I almost forgot, Cori gave us our Christmas presents. I got a bottle of wine and PTM got a really cool tin but the best part was the coupon for our choice of either a jelly roll, layer cake or 4 charm packs!! Like I said before, I have the BEST friends don't you think?
OK off to the gym!
YEs it was!!! a geat 'play date' yesterday. Can't wait till we do it again next Friday.
You have been very busy. Lovely work!
i think PTM's house is a much better idea than chicago, bad weather or not!
Looks like you made a good call not to go to Chicago - remind me never to quilt around you, you're too productive, I would feel like a sloth!
Oh what fun you three must have had!! I LOVE the Plus quilt, it really came out lovely :0)
Thanks for showing I love the pictures and what magic everyone has worked on
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