I have this fabulous marble top table and I usually cover it with my DH's Santa collection.
Then last night I walked into the room as I was heading up to bed and happened to see Hallie under the tree. It was night time and I thought I would try the night time picture mode on my newly fixed camera to take a photo to share with you all. Isn't she cute?
Look at that old tree skirt would ya? I made it when I was first married and had no idea how to do quilting, so it was tied. The fabrics are kind of old but I still like it. I really should make an updated one. Maybe it will be on my list for next year!
I got my Origins Plus quilt back from LTW today but no time to take a pic. I dropped my Bernina off for a cleaning and tune up today too. I managed to get some Origins for the binding on the quilt while I was dropping it off. Then I went to the gym for Body Pump. Came home, ate the bean soup I made yesterday and baked some chocolate chip brownie thingies for the Quilter's party tomorrow night. I need to get a small gift for the party tomorrow, so will probably stop at JAF on the way home to do so.
For now I need to get into bed before I drop. Have a good evening.
Your tree is very pretty. I love the tree skirt I think I would just want to use it, all those memories. I have a small Santa collection also but mostly they live on my Christmas tree.
It looks so pretty. Who would guess the room doubles as your sewing studio?
Your Christmas decoration look wonderful!!
Dagnabit, I forgot to put beans on my list so I can make that Chicken Chili recipe you sent me!! I just ran over and got it on my list for next week. I sounds sooooo yummy!!
Check out my blog..I have a picture just like that only it's Mr. Fang under the tree. Aren't they CUTE?!
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