Then LTW decided that it would be easier for PTM and would put her more at ease if she did some drawing on paper. She said it helps with the muscle memory and build confidence. So here they are playing on paper.
I was sewing while they were playing. I got my 5th LCQAL block done while I listened to them in the Long Arm room. Love how it came out.
We worked for around an hour and it was time for lunch and present exchange. I got LTW a Jim Shore cookie jar (she collects cookie jars). I think she liked it!
I got PTM a Pandora like bracelet. Then I had cut out a quilt for her! It was the Charming Stars quilt from the Moda Bake Shop. I gave her all the fabric, but it was all cut out. I cut one for myself and one for her (at her house, LOL). LTW Contributed and will do the quilting when the quilt is finished!!
PTM was incredibly generous to both LTW and me. I got a new exercise mat, some evergreen spray, some body butter, a really cool square glass dish with a glass lid (I love the antique ones, and this is just like those), an antique blue Ball jar, and some Diana sauce (great on meatballs and spare ribs) all the way from Canada. Sorry no photo, I forgot, but trust me, this was a great set of gifts!!
After gifts we went back down the basement PTM got more instruction and I got to do some more sewing. Our monthly, Thursday night quilt group has a basket challenge going on so I had stitched some kitties in a basket and decided to build a quilt around them. The whole quilt has to be made by only you. I have to piece it, and quilt it, guess I'll have to go over to LTW's and use the Statler. So my design has 96 HST around the outside and baskets in each corner. I worked on sewing all the HST blocks and then trimming them to the right size.
Then I decided that I needed to try to put the basket blocks together. I wasn't sure what to do about the handles but decided on rick rack. I just took out a few stitches and inserted the rick rack in the HST then sewed it back up. What do you think??
I still need to stitch the handles down but you can see all the HST blocks here waiting to be made into flying geese.
While I was trimming all of those HST blocks PTM was busy working on some bindings for me. I had both of these quilts finished for quite some time but didn't have a place for them, or al least for the baby one, therefore no real reason to hurry on the binding. Here are 2 more finishes for both me and PTM for 2010. Thi baby quilt will go to my niece who is having a baby soon.
This is one of my favorite blocks in the quilt. So sweet!
This quilt I had made for my DD@ but the colors didn't come out very true. It is quilted with silver thread and I love it! It was a stack and wack.
Well, tomorrow I will so a little recap of 2010 and something of what I am looking forward to in the new year, but for now, I will wait until midnight and watch the ball drop with my sweetie. I have Jack laying in his usual spot right next to me. My friend, Yuki called tonight from Japan to wish me a happy new year. I got to spend the day with 2 of my favorite people. For now, right this minute, all is right with my world.
Happy New Year everyone!!
Sounds like you had a great time! And productive too, lol. I absolutely love your baskets! That is going to be one gorgeous quilt when it's finished. The Rick rack works perfectly! Have a happy New Year tonight!
Wow....what a wonderful day! I love all the work that got done....what a wonderful way to spend the day.
What a nice day...fabric, friendship, sewing & I'm guessing food/liquid! What else does fabric loving ladies need?!
May 2011 be a blessed one for you & yours!
Pam, I think the rick rack handles are positively inspired - love it!
It looks like you all had a wonderful time together. I LOVE the LCQAL block!!! It's beautiful!!
Happy New Year!!
those basket blocks are gonna be PURRFECT with your embroidered basket of kitties!
there's a lotta fabric in PTM's basement! even if mine was all in one place, i don't think my stash would hold a candle to hers!
we had fun here, too - didn't get as much done as all of you, though...
Love the rick rack handles on the baskets. And your baby quilts are cute. You sure have been busy!
Love love your red and white baskets! And I also love rick rack so I think they are perfect. Cannot wait to see it all together. And I think this LCQAL block is my favorite so far! Happy New Year!
Love the ric-rac handles; brilliant!
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