There was a log of great food. I made a hot buffalo chicken dip and it was AMAZING! If anyone is interested in the recipe let me know and I will post it.
Buffalo Chicken Dip
2-8oz packs of cream cheese softened
1 cup ranch dressing
1 cup sour cream
2 cups shredded co-jack cheese (save about 3/4 cup to put on the top
2 cans white chicken, drained and broken up
several dashes of Franks Red Hot or Buffalo sauce.
Mix cream cheese, ranch, sour cream and hot sauce together until smooth. Add cheese and chicken. Mix well. Pour into a prepared pie pan, sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 F until bubbly. Serve with tortilla chips.
Apparently the gift of the evening happened to be the turning mat as there were 3 of them!
PTM was doing some binding for a friend of mine and I managed to snap a few photos of the beautiful Boston Commons quilt. Stunning isn't it?
My work Christmas party was going to be on Friday so I ended up taking the day off so my DD1 could use my parking pass to part at work. I ended up going over to PTM's to sew and that would be our Friday "night" sew in. I was going to work on cutting out the red and white fabric for my basket challenge quilt. This is what my accomplishments looked like.
I need a lot of 3" squares for my project. I had to press all the fabric before I could cut it so what I managed to get done was cutting all my 3" strips. Two hours and 2 piles of strips. This ensures I will be going back to finish cutting and then put it together. I think PTM ordered a pattern to work on so she can do the challenge too. I'm sure she'll keep you posted!
PTM also finished binding the Origins baby quilt so I can now label it and send it off to France, YEAH!! LTW did a great job with the quilting too. You can especially see her beautiful work from the back.
I have lots of photos to put up from my work party too as well as the fun day I had today but it will have to wait. I hope you are all getting ready for Christmas. I had planned to bake this weekend but those plans have now changed. We are getting a new furnace on Monday so I have to help clean space for them to actually get to the furnace tomorrow. I think I will be baking on Monday when they are here putting in the furnace. I am hoping to get some wrapping done though. How are your Christmas preparations going?
What a great quilters Christmas party Pam! You are getting lots done. We have guests for four days, so no sewing here!
Great party, great quilts! I'm almost ready to start my shopping, we got the tree up today - no ornaments, that's for tomorrow, lol.
It looks like everyone had a great time at the party. It seems so many are behind in their Christmas decorating. We notice that there were very few homes with lights last week. Last night the town really started to light up :0)
Yes, please post the hot buffalo chicken was yummy!!! and now for the last question....still LOTS to do!!! lol
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